Before/After School Care

Our Extended Day Program (EDP) provides a supervised, safe and enjoyable environment for students. Students are grouped by age and participate in a variety of activities.

To offer a good balance, but also free time, EDP afternoons are broken into half hour time slots for: snack time or free play; Homework Club supervised by teachers; playtime including directed gym activities, outdoor free play time, crafts, Legos, etc.; and occasional sports camps.

Program details and policies can be found in the EDP Handbook on the Forms & Handbooks page.

Per-day costs are as follows:

  • Before school care:
    $5 per child per day; $1 discount for additional children in the family
  • After school care on regular school days:
    $12 per child per day; $1 discount for additional children in the family
  • After school care on half days:
    $12 per child per day; $1 discount for additional children in the family